>MSF: Hello my goldens - January 21st, Pluto changes the Sign!)
Karmic role of the Pluto - transformation of the Person and destruction/eimination of old/obsolete Programs!)it is inevitable
The Pluto makes the person to go through crisis/stress via “cleaning”, so that after re-birth/revival person could use his/her potential to the fullest extent
The Pluto creates irreversible, inevitable and irrevocable changes in the fates of all of us, however, tit is problematic to decipher the Pluto’s impact on the particular person, because this planet is GENERATIONAL
Following algorithm:
- Pluto comes/positions in the Aquarius, look in which House of your personal horoscope is Pluto - the sphere of that House needs “regeneraiton”/update
Pluto is the Highest Will! You either Express the Will and change/upgrade and Grow spiritually, or the Pluto will do it himself - rigidly, forcibly, without mercy - with a touch of fatal
- Also, look at the House’s Cusp in signs: Sagittarius, Scorpio, Leo - the spheres of these Houses will also participate in transformations, these transformations are INEVITABLE
- Also, no matter in which House the Pluto is located in your chart, it will affect - 1st, 5th, 8th Houses … The spheres of these Houses will have changes for all
Pluto in the 1st House: changes in appearance, Personality’s change in general; accent/emphasis on yourself as on the Personality, spiritual Way; release/liberation of the will, energy, power/strength and direct it all on the arts, work with people, on spiritual development
We either direct the Power/Strength on the external, or it stays inside and it’s the Pluto - illnesses, disorders, accidents
Pluto, 2nd House: evolusion of the financial sphere through crisis, change of a workplace and the source of income, change of the nutriotion- it is very important; financial losses as the scenario of evolutionbot power over others through money, wealth
Pluto, 3rd House: change of surrounding, finding the meaning of the life, desire to live fullfilling life; learning/trainings, the beginning of literary activity, blogging; philosophical turn of mind and transformation of the mindset in general; or - mental stress, deceptions, selfdeceptionsl transforming events are related to close relatives and surrounding, trips and I will tell you - keep your documents in order/bring an order to documents
Pluto, 4th house: mother’s affairs on the first plan, change of place of residence, real estate’s buying/selling; I am telling you - insure your housing; also, I am telling you - this is serious standing/position for the Pluto, all governmental and global processes will affect you; develop and work with your genus, develop your abilities; crazy indication of a change of a place of residence - it is better not to resist it
Pluto, 5th House: tremendous amount of energy; new partner/acquaintance/romance with prominent/influential person; rethinking relationships; conception/birth of a child, fullfilling life in general; arts and arts particularly will bring huge amount of money; or - speculations, illegitimate children, ventures/gamblings equal to loss of balance; difficult/complicated childbirth, hard breakup 0 in general, work on yourself
Pluto, 6th House: change of aptitude/work sphere; change of habits, discipline/schedule - necessary; solving others’ problems and service to others, taking care of other people or relatives; illnesses; work and work ethic/attitude to work - problems with employees; development of resilience/endurance and patience; abilities’ awakening - healing others through self-healing, weak health state and even disablement/handicap, Pluto is Pluto
Pluto, 7th House: death of the obsolete relationships; finding a partner also; a lot of clients and growth/rise in popularity, social (secular) life; internal contradictions “to leave or to stay”; celibcy/singleness, discord in marital life, partner - transformator (will transform you); difficult judicial proceedings
Pluto, 8th House: global cleaning; desire for/attraction to occult and esoteric knowledge; huge a
Pluto, 7th House: death of the obsolete relationships; finding a partner also; a lot of clients and growth/rise in popularity, social (secular) life; internal contradictions “to leave or to stay”; celibcy/singleness, discord in marital life, partner - transformator (will transform you); difficult judicial proceedings
Pluto, 8th House: global cleaning; desire for/attraction to occult and esoteric knowledge; huge amount of money from the partner, inheritance, loans, a lot of sex and craving/desire for sex; or - vice versa, loss of money, assault (depends on your chart, but I would be careful); business; abuse of authority/power on either side; huge anount of energy and, thus, great opportunities > MSF: Pluto, 9th House: change and transformation of worldview; emigration, fame, courts/trials and problems with law; acquaintance with guru and mentor; marriage woth a foreigner; desire for knowledge and spirituality; transcendence/going beyond; fanaticism/bigotry; an immoral lifestyle; hypocrisy; atheism, scam/fraud
Cool positiom, but - work on yourself
Pluto, 10th house: new Status (marriage/divorce); parents to the fore; finding a new goal/purpose; will and crazy opportunities, it is a sin to skip such things; self-realization, self-expression; the acquisition of power, politics; I am telling you, if the Pluto came to your 1/10 house, then He is the master of your horoscope - there is a need to explore your chart - explore the power of Pluto in your chart, of Pluto is aspected negatively - corresponding/respective events/incidents and it’s karma, if vice versa - then vice versa; new occupation/professiom and maybe - loss of everything, be careful
Pluto, 11th House: personality’s development, cutting off old friends and emergence of new ones; work online; fate’s gifts and well-wishers; fatal friendships; divorce/losses and wodowhood, mistakes, crash/collapse of the hopes; fullfillment of the dreams(coming true) and goals/aims
Pluto, 12th house: deep diving into yourself; closure; search for yourseld and acquaintance with the God; emigration; uncovering the abilities, desire for sacral knowledge; secret power ; secret love; cheatings/betrayals in both sides; accidents
Shortly and the most important, friends - Pluto is Pluto, cannot do without fatal
Pluto, Birth date - 12 March, 1930
Pluto - great Witch Doctor/Faith Healer and Transformator; either you change - or die
Get yourself the Diary and write down everything, if you can track - you can influenc:
1. 24th march - 11th June, 2023: during this period the spoiler was shown, of all of your transformation for the following 20 years, write down EVERYTHING! There is no need to sit and wait, need to proceed from that period and change your life; from 11th June, 2023 - 21st January, 2024 Pluto was retro, gave you the opportunity to contemplate/think of the spoiler, reflash/decode yourself
2. 21st January - 2nd September, 2024 … there will bethe development of the first period, do everything wisely! ANaluse and contribute to the development of Epoch, think and contemplate globally!
3. 2nd September - 20th Novermber, 2024: Pluto is retro and will give you an opportunity to rethink/review your principles, rules, norms in the name of consolidation of new life
4. 20th November, 2024 - 19th January, 2044 - that’s it! You won’t be able to change anything, for someone it is time for a breakthrough, for others - loss of everything
It is Pluto, everyone gets what they deserve - journal, write in the Diary, you cannot imagine how important it is🫶🏼
Pluto, 8th House: global cleaning; desire for/attraction to occult and esoteric knowledge; huge amount of money from the partner, inheritance, loans, a lot of sex and craving/desire for sex; or - vice versa, loss of money, assault (depends on your chart, but I would be careful); business; abuse of authority/power on either side; huge anount of energy and, thus, great opportunities > MSF: Pluto, 9th House: change and transformation of worldview; emigration, fame, courts/trials and problems with law; acquaintance with guru and mentor; marriage woth a foreigner; desire for knowledge and spirituality; transcendence/going beyond; fanaticism/bigotry; an immoral lifestyle; hypocrisy; atheism, scam/fraud
Cool positiom, but - work on yourself
Pluto, 10th house: new Status (marriage/divorce); parents to the fore; finding a new goal/purpose; will and crazy opportunities, it is a sin to skip such things; self-realization, self-expression; the acquisition of power, politics; I am telling you, if the Pluto came to your 1/10 house, then He is the master of your horoscope - there is a need to explore your chart - explore the power of Pluto in your chart, of Pluto is aspected negatively - corresponding/respective events/incidents and it’s karma, if vice versa - then vice versa; new occupation/professiom and maybe - loss of everything, be careful
Pluto, 11th House: personality’s development, cutting off old friends and emergence of new ones; work online; fate’s gifts and well-wishers; fatal friendships; divorce/losses and wodowhood, mistakes, crash/collapse of the hopes; fullfillment of the dreams(coming true) and goals/aims
Pluto, 12th house: deep diving into yourself; closure; search for yourseld and acquaintance with the God; emigration; uncovering the abilities, desire for sacral knowledge; secret power ; secret love; cheatings/betrayals in both sides; accidents
Shortly and the most important, friends - Pluto is Pluto, cannot do without fatal
Pluto, Birth date - 12 March, 1930
Pluto - great Witch Doctor/Faith Healer and Transformator; either you change - or die
Get yourself the Diary and write down everything, if you can track - you can influenc:
1. 24th march - 11th June, 2023: during this period the spoiler was shown, of all of your transformation for the following 20 years, write down EVERYTHING! There is no need to sit and wait, need to proceed from that period and change your life; from 11th June, 2023 - 21st January, 2024 Pluto was retro, gave you the opportunity to contemplate/think of the spoiler, reflash/decode yourself
2. 21st January - 2nd September, 2024 … there will bethe development of the first period, do everything wisely! ANaluse and contribute to the development of Epoch, think and contemplate globally!
3. 2nd September - 20th Novermber, 2024: Pluto is retro and will give you an opportunity to rethink/review your principles, rules, norms in the name of consolidation of new life
4. 20th November, 2024 - 19th January, 2044 - that’s it! You won’t be able to change anything, for someone it is time for a breakthrough, for others - loss of everything
It is Pluto, everyone gets what they deserve - journal, write in the Diary, you cannot imagine how important it is🫶🏼