Through Daily Work, through Strategic Planning, through Teamwork, through adherence/compliance to Agreements, trough Rules and Norms, through conversation with the God, in the Name of the Common Cause and in the Name of name of the Great Law of the Universe about Balance and Equilibrium of Energies, MSF: with ease, Love, and Respect — does its Work! Does it with the Soul and Respect!
We respect and appreciate People; We love and know how to Teach; We create and develop everything with Soul and through Love, and we Succeed in everything!
Creation is a Light! Do not be afraid of anything and choose the Path of Light — the Development along the Path of Light is long, but interesting!)) MSF is a Field of Prosperity; We actively spread our Values, and we Succeed in everything! We need to Unite — always and everywhere — We (MSF) — are calling upon Our own!
In which through the Educational Programs, through Practice and through the Work with People, through Art, through interaction with Kids — the Essence of the Human is being revived! Come and study at MSF!
It is the Information from Subtle Plan, everything — under the voice of Our Beloved God and with full Responsibility for the Information! You are Safe!
It is the development of Consciousness/Awareness through Self-Worth, Self-identification, through Self-Development and Self-Awareness! MSF promotes the building of strong and worthy Relationships that strengthen and unveil prosperity! MSF always stands for Peace and Love!
Through our Articles/Posts/through information on the Forum, through our Products — MSF:
— reveals the Foundations of the Universe, the Structure of the Universe;
— Nurtures the Spirit and provides all needed Information for a deep Self-Discovery;
— provides the Information about the Plan of the Soul and conducts powerful Transformative Trainings;
— foster Self-Worth and develop Values in general
Duration of Life/Lifespan and period of active Engagement of MSF — Fifty Years, 4 years have already passed — We will prepare everything that is needed for the future Generations, Shape the Knowledge, leaving all Schemes/Algorithms/Templates in Books and in our Products!
MSF appreciates/values and Respects its Audience! We are actively growing and developing, expanding, and everything is working out for us! May everything work out for everyone who is reading this! May everyone who reads this be happy! Our Beloved God is always near, don’t doubt that))
Our Task — to decode, form into the System and Methodology, into Teaching — all Knowledge and all Information, in the Name of Transmission — to Kids, New Kids! MSF conducts the Trainings that unveil and develop Child’s Beginnings, and in 2027 MSF will launch Trainings for Kids; starting from 2027, MSF will release the Products for the development of Consciousness/Awareness in Children!
Kids is a Mission of MSF! We Love, Appreciate, and Respect our Kids, come to Learn in MSF-Kids!))
For deeper Self-Awareness/Consciousness and Self-Work in the forms of: Notebooks, Diaries of Observations, Collections, Notebooks, Books, stationery, Creativity Sets, Self-Awareness/Consciousness Guides
Currently, the MSF Team works on the embodiment/realization of all of the Codes into Life; with a Team of 20 People, we are growing and expanding, and MSF is inviting Our People!
Lifespan of MSF — 50 years, in 2070 — the Strategy of MSF after its full realization into life will be finished, MSF will go through the sacral process of Death.
In 2027 MSF will be brought to the State Level of Russian Federation, in 2030 Russian Federation — will become a World Power and MSF begins its Mission — Uniting People through creation of Common and Unified Religion.
2030 — MSF begins its Mission: upbringing of New Children through primal algorithms and schemes!
MSF in 2030 will open under its Leadership the School for New Kids.
MSF in 2030 takes 12 abandoned kids fully under its wing and will raise and nurture 12 Great Minded Kids! It’s our Mission!
The Whole Strategy of MSF is fully written under the voice of God and through the Conversation of EA with God, the Strategy will be provided gradually!
We call upon Our own; it will be really interesting; finally, we will bring what we started to Completion, and everything will Work out for us!
All the Information, the whole Strategy, all Ideas, all Learning Materials and the entire Core of MSF — a work of one person, my Name is Ekaterina Chantureevskaya
Two changes of the Last name: Tabagari, Chanturiya and in the process — the change to Chantureevskaya (pseudonim)
Until 28 years old — Lifatova Last Name from the Mother
March 13th 2020, 13:45, Moscow
13.06.1987, 23:45, Buryatia republic, Bagdarin village, time zone +9 (GMT Time)
With MSF You are Safe! Read MSF, work with Information, come to us to Learn and work on Yourselves through the Tools from Sacrolabium!
It is — Conscience, Honor, Dignity;
Mir Soulmate Family — is a Creative, Educational, and Informational Field! The Main Goal of MSF is Unification of People around the World through Creation and Love, through the main Principle of MSF’s Work "Do It Yourselves"