Soulful Playlist by Mir Soulmate Family. Don’t be scared or afraid, feel your Soul. Soul is felt through the pain, don’t be scared. Show your Feelings and live your emotions, don’t put them off until later.
SOUL is a separated part; it’s a unique part of a single entity, a unified whole. Soul came for The Evolution.
Managing your Thoughts, Emotions, States - The Highest Principle of The Moon and it is Soul’s Evolution component.
By managing your Emotions we can influence and shape different aspects of our Lives!
If You are (objectively) morally and emotionally not stable, this Playlist will finish You off!
Approach everything wisely and build your inner core/strength up, gain the foothold - when you will want to hug the Whole World, this is the sign that your Moon is feeling well!
MSF is an individual and distinct COUNSIOUSNESS/MIND, Mir Soulmate is a distinct CHANNEL in the field of Absolute: powerful, pure, tangible.
In 2024, we’ll introduce you a new element of Your Chart that is called Point of MSF.
“Anyone who gets into MSF’s Field: recalls, unpacks Deeper Layers of their Memory and everything that is needed to cleanse and accept a New Shape!”
DO IT YOURSELF - the main Rule in MSF’s work. MSF gives a lot: opportunities, chances, acquaintances, prosperity, expansion of Consciousness adn MSF connects your CONSCIOUSNESS with SPACE, MSF has a powerful Field and CHANNEL - full Delight and Joy! Try to work with MSF’s Channel by yourself, share your feelings and with slightest issues with health - NO! Working on full stomach - NO, in bad mood and stress - NO!
Follow the Rules, be honest and sincere, express precise Intention and connect to MSF’s CHANNEL, like pouring honey into ears*… pure, luminous, and understandable information, make sure Yourself!)
Shaping/Managing the Reality is the Option available for All of Us; Focus of Attention on yourself and your Thoughts, everything is simple:
- [ ] everything you have now - that’s your Thoughts several periods Ago
- [ ] your Thoughts create your Future
- [ ] 88 days - it’s a period needed for densification, regularity is the key: record your Intention for 88 days, and you will get the desired on the physical Level
Meditation - it is concentration on anything and also it's Neptune's nature
The state of trans, ability to separate/differentiate one from the other
The Purity of the Consciousness and Body
Neptune can be boosted through the Unity with Nature, through the ability to concentrate
Sleep to the sound of Neptune, entering the meditative state - it leads to acception of yourself and your essence/nature, Neptune is Essence (suitable for CHILDREN!)
Extraterrestrial/Off-world person and it’s true, Talent - makes a person unique in the eyes of others and that’s also true
All Music in general is the nature of Neptune, rge essence of it all and Music is the energy of unconditional love.
There is nothing to write about this person - he has a perfect, his development and “working through’s” on such a high level - it’s all established in his compositions
He is Higher Power’s Chosen One; he has such a unique and fascinating contracts, his Soul has everything predetermined/predestined, in thisc case - for sure
Very kind person - Jupiter in 12th, of course, (Venus and Neptune in connection?), connection in differnt signs - unique case, not everyone can handle these kinds of energies, flowd, and channels. It is needed to be “not here”, and he is “not here”
He came to transfirm this World and he did it, there are only three people like him - amazing person, Soul, Spirit, Absoluter
Classical Music is a nature of Neptune, it’s athe Highest Octave in Music
Classical, symphomy Orchestra - all of it is Neptune, it’s a music that makes you “gone”, transfers you into borderline/altered states
Venus in Pisces/in aspect with Neptne/in 12th House - listen to classic music; it also applies to the kids, recommended for kids
If you are sick -listen; if your sleep is bad - listen; while talking to your Soul - let it play on the background - helpful for everyone
Music is the Field of Absolute, Classical Music - are the gates to the Field of Absolute
Key to the Outland
MSF takes your hand and We are diving inti Outland. Uranus, Neptune, Pluto - it’s your time to get acquainted with Gods and Lords of Karma - turn on Sounds of Chiron by MSF, get charged and inject Fun and creative impulse into your veins. Chiron is the KEY, Chiron is the lover of enjoyment and pleasure - He’s like Us>>> There is so much meaning in the Sounds of Chiron, Chiron writes books for Kids - how much Meaning is there in those books?
Fatal - your meeting place with Gods and Fate
There is no need to be scared of it - God talks to Us through Poeple, point of Fate is a meeting (with the person), after which the Quantum Jump will happen in your Life>>>> Turn on the Sounds of Fatal by MSF and take the Responsibility for Your own Life.
The Points of Fate work in such way when you wonder duting the First Time, other times - YOU control everything! If you need a charger - it WILL BE there! Make an Intention, with Love and Respect, Mir Soulmate
I want to show You the Devil, I want to introduce him to You, HE is the Maker of all things, He is the Creator of THE EARTH, HE launched the Information about himself in the Fields, that you’ve a;ready heard previously multipple times, HE distorted the idea/picture of himself on purpose
I want and I’ll show You the Devil, turn in the sounds of VenusD by MSF>>>>create an environment for Harmony and Enjoyment, let the Information in your Field, With Respect MIR SOULMATE Ekaterina Chantyreevskaya