The diary is designed to work with the Birth Chart
The Diary contains Cycles for each month of 2025: New Moons and Full Moons; The Cycle of the Sun; Retro Mercury/Venus/Mars... 2025 is eventful: Retro Events, Eclipses
Everything in our World is cyclical, a Diary is a powerful reminder for tracking events in your Life, a powerful tool for introspection and Self—discovery.
The diary is linked to Dates, it is scheduled for every month of 2025, there are all Recommendations, Algorithms and Instructions.
Working with a Diary is about Discipline, Self—education, and working with your Life with full Responsibility. This is a Women's Instrument, in an era of Change — MSF wishes everyone Good Luck!
If you have any questions and need help in placing/making the order, contact the MSF support:
Delivery to Russia and countries of CIS through CDEK (courier/delivery man or Order pick-up point). To arrange delivery to other countries, please contact the MSF support).
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